
Canada's Moments of Madness

This image is taken from Chester Brown's comic strip biography of Louis Riel. If you haven't read it, you really should. It's available here (scroll down a fair ways).

I like this article by Stephen Marche in this weekend's edition of the National Post. It's mostly about this ongoing conflict over the reenactment of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, but more broadly its a reflection on how Canadians relate to their history. The part I find particularly intriguing is:

It is good for us to be reminded of our national moments of madness because we have so few. Figures like Riel - Pierre Trudeau was another - represent the country while living outside the values that circumscribe it: quietness, common sense, self-deprecation. We need these figures of insanity to assuage the longing for wildness caged within our orderly, well-regulated society."

You can read the full article here.


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