
To read about the 110 Best Things About Canadian Music, click here.

Although I will be the final arbiter of who is on these lists and how they're ranked, I promise to be completely open to any and all suggestions. If I deviate drastically from popular opinion, I will let it be known, and I will present my reasons why. Heck, I'll even post the results of the popular vote alongside my own "official" list. The reason I'm acting as a gatekeeper, as such, is that I don't want this to be a matter of whoever has the most fans gets the top spot-- that's how the Junos work, and we all know what a fiasco that is. So while the popular vote will definitely be a factor, it won't be the only one. A well-presented, well-reasoned argument by one person could well have just as much impact as fifteen votes with just a name-- plus, if I really like something you write and you're willing to let me publish it, I will.

Like I say, I'm completely open in this process. I'm interested in starting a discussion and a debate, and am willing to let the criteria work itself out. I think 110 is a good number, but maybe we'll wind up with fifteen reasons and only fifty artists, or maybe we'll get so many nominations it should be expanded to 200-- who knows? It really depends on what happens over the next few months.


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