
The Tranzmitors - "Live A Little More"

*for more songs, hit "click to read more"*

So, tonight is Shad and tomorrow's the Tranzmitors-- and if you're keeping score at home, that's two shows in two days, meaning it will be concert work concert. This almost wouldn't be worth it except the groups involved are so great. I told you about Shad yesterday with his easy-going hip-hop vibes, and the Tranzmitors are a major shift with their jagged rock and roll. They trade in the sort of late-70s/early 2000s garage rock that made me fall in love with music in the first place, the sort of stuff that sounds like it's going to fall apart any moment, but even if it did it would still be amazing. I don't know why a bunch of guys from Vancouver sing with British accents, but the effect is to make you want to grab a pint and raise a toast to the working class. All I can say is don't expect too much from me for a few days after this.

The Tranzmitors play at Lucky Bar on Friday, February 20. myspace, radio 3


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