
"Pulling A Line"

"She Comes to Me In Dreams"

The Great Lake Swimmers have released their first single, called "Pulling a Line," from the March 31, 2009, release Lost Channels. As per normal, Tony Dekker throws out some great lyrics, evoking the nautical landscape from which the band takes its name. An upbeat track by GLS standards (though not nearly as snappy as "See You On the Moon"), it gives us a taste of the albums professed themes, namely, "telling tales of hidden histories, still "mining for light in the dark wells," still "tuned to an instrument of greater and unknown design."

They've also have another track, "She Comes to Me In Dreams," up on the MySpace. This one is a little more in the band's standard style, EXCEPT when the song hits 1:18 and we get some epic drum hits echoed by some Hawaiian-style guitar picking. It makes me excited for the promised addition of cello and vibraphone to the lineup for some of the songs. The Great Lake Swimmers are one of the few bands with a sound that can actually properly accommodate these sorts of additions.

You can buy "Pulling a Line" here.

Great Lake Swimmers: myspace, greatlakeswimmers.com


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