
The point of this blog is to highlight art and ideas coming out of Canada. So when you see an album full of songs by the above artists, it' definitely something you want to share. Most of the time, I would post a song or two and let you decide if you want it. However, in this case I've noticed that the forces behind the album-- an international charity dedicated to raising money and awareness for HIV and AIDS through popular culture called the Red Hot Organization-- have been asking people to not post the tracks as they fear it would hinder their fundraising efforts. I think they are wrong on this point-- I got interested in it through other blogs-- but so as not to draw their ire, I am instead posting the :30 snippets that are freely available on Amazon. If you want to hear full tracks, you can head over to myspace.com/darkwasthenight where they're streaming one song a day. Today (Friday) it's the New Pornographers. The whole thing comes out on February 16.

Feist + Ben Gibbard- "Train Song"

Grizzly Bear + Feist- "Service Bell"

The Arcade Fire- "Lenin"

Buck 65 f. Sufjan Stevens and Serengeti- "Blood Pt. 2"

The New Pornographers- "Hey, Snow White"

Kevin Drew- "Love vs. Porn"


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